Alysia Clewis
Playing Experience:
11 years
Years of Coaching Experience:
1 year
What you love about coaching:
I love building relationship with different people and knowing that I could make an impact in there life’s on and off the court. Coaching has forced me come out of my shell and not be afraid to say what’s on my mind and also being more assertive. Of course I’m learning and taking as many notes as i can from other coaches but I’m learning to find coaching styles that are fitting and benefiting kids I coach in the long run. Not only on the court but off the court coaching has helped with me playing in college now practicing what I preach and taking other techniques from other coaches and trying them out myself because of course I’m learning a lot myself.
Coaching Philosophy:
I would say my philosophy is to get to know the players and building a relationship because I never want my kids to feel like they can’t talk to me about anything besides volleyball also seeing the true hustle in my players and how hard they will work on the floor. The BASICS is the most important part of volleyball!! To me if you don’t have basics down you can continue to grow and move forward without those being muscle memory. I am still learning on how to build a relationship off the court but on the court. Having the respect and players knowing that on the court is not playing around and funny business and that if I don’t do what I’m suppose How am I benefiting my teammates.